Domain Generator


This tool generates Go domain files based on a specified feature name. It supports both UUID and auto-increment integer IDs for your domain models. The generated files include a domain struct and helper functions for converting between domain and model representations.

Flags and Parameters

  • -feature <FeatureName>: The name of the feature for which to generate the domain file (e.g., Order).
  • -output <OutputDirectory>: The directory where the generated domain file will be saved.
  • -project <ProjectName>: The name of the project (default is my_project).
  • -uuid: Use UUID for the ID field instead of an auto-incrementing integer. Add this flag to use UUIDs.

Template Content

  • The template generates a Go file with a domain struct for the specified feature.
  • is used to convert the feature name to lowercase.
  • The domain struct includes an ID field that can be either UUID or uint, based on the -uuid flag.
  • The ToDomain function converts a model to a domain struct.
  • The ToModel function converts a domain struct to a model.
  • A helper function defaultStringIfEmpty is provided to handle default values for empty strings.


To generate a domain file, use the following command:

go run -generate domain -feature <FeatureName> -output <OutputDirectory> -project <ProjectName> [-uuid]

Example Commands Without UUID:

go run -generate domain -feature="Todo" -output ./internal/adapters/domain -project my_project

This command generates a todo_domain.go file in the ./internal/adapters/domain directory with an auto-increment integer ID.

With UUID:

go run -generate domain -feature="Todo" -output ./internal/adapters/domain -project my_project -uuid

This command generates a todo_domain.go file in the ./internal/adapters/domain directory with a UUID as the ID.

Template Example

Here is a sample of the generated domain file based on the template:

package domain

import (


type TodoDomain struct {
	ID                 string    `gorm:"type:uuid;primaryKey;default:uuid_generate_v4()" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt          time.Time `json:"created_at" gorm:"autoCreateTime"`
	UpdatedAt          time.Time `json:"updated_at" gorm:"autoUpdateTime"`
	Field1             string    `json:"field_1"`
	Field2             string    `json:"field_2"`

func ToTodoDomain(data *models.Todo) TodoDomain {
	if data == nil {
		return TodoDomain{
			ID: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",

	return TodoDomain{
		ID:        data.ID,
		CreatedAt: data.CreatedAt,
		UpdatedAt: data.UpdatedAt,
		Field1:    data.Field1,
		Field2:    defaultStringIfEmpty(data.Field2, "No Field2"),

func ToTodoModel(data TodoDomain) *models.Todo {
	return &models.Todo{
		ID:        data.ID,
		CreatedAt: data.CreatedAt,
		UpdatedAt: data.UpdatedAt,
		Field1:    data.Field1,
		Field2:    defaultStringIfEmpty(data.Field2, "No Field2"),

func defaultStringIfEmpty(value, defaultValue string) string {
	if value == "" {
		return defaultValue
	return value