App File Generator


The App File Generator is a command-line tool that generates an application setup file for a specific feature within a Go project. The generated file integrates the feature’s services, handlers, and routes, following a modular architecture.

Flags and Parameters:

  • -feature <FeatureName>: The name of the feature (e.g., SystemField).
  • -output <OutputDirectory>: The directory where the generated file will be saved.
  • -project <ProjectName>: The name of the project (default is my_project).

Template Content:

  • The template includes placeholders for the feature name and project name.
  • is used to convert the feature name to lowercase for consistency in naming conventions.
  • The AppContainer function initializes the Fiber app and sets up routes and services.
  • The App function configures the feature-specific components.


go run -generate app -feature <FeatureName> -output <OutputDirectory> -project <ProjectName>
  • example
    go run -generate app -feature="Todo" -output ./internal/adapters/app -project my_project

Generated File Structure

The tool generates a Go file in the specified output directory, following this structure:

package app

import (
	handlers "<ProjectName>/internal/adapters/http/handlers/<featureName>"
	repositories "<ProjectName>/internal/adapters/repositories/<featureName>"
	services "<ProjectName>/internal/core/services/<featureName>"

func AppContainer(app *fiber.App, db *gorm.DB) *fiber.App {
	v1 := app.Group("/v1")
	route := routers.NewRoute(v1)
	<FeatureName>App(route, db)
	return app

func <FeatureName>App(r routers.RouterImpl, db *gorm.DB) {
	transactorRepo := database.NewTransactorRepo(db)
	<featureName>Repo := repositories.New<FeatureName>Repo(db)
	<featureName>Srv := services.New<FeatureName>Service(<featureName>Repo, transactorRepo)
	<featureName>Handlers := handlers.New<FeatureName>Handler(<featureName>Srv)


  • AppContainer Function: The entry point for integrating the feature into the application. It groups routes under the /v1 prefix and calls the specific feature’s setup function.

  • App Function: Sets up the repositories, services, and handlers for the feature, and registers the routes using the router.


go run -generate app -feature User -output ./internal/app -project my_project

The tool will generate a file named user_app.go in the ./internal/app directory, containing:

package app

import (
	handlers ""
	repositories ""
	services ""

func AppContainer(app *fiber.App, db *gorm.DB) *fiber.App {
	v1 := app.Group("/v1")
	route := routers.NewRoute(v1)
	UserApp(route, db)
	return app

func UserApp(r routers.RouterImpl, db *gorm.DB) {
	transactorRepo := database.NewTransactorRepo(db)
	userRepo := repositories.NewUserRepo(db)
	userSrv := services.NewUserService(userRepo, transactorRepo)
	userHandlers := handlers.NewUserHandler(userSrv)

App Generator Usage Notes

The generated file will replace placeholder text such as and with the actual project and feature names provided via the command-line flags. The output directory must exist or will be created if it doesn't.