FastMap currently provides an efficient, type-safe HashMap implementation in Go, offering both thread-safe and non-thread-safe variants. Future releases will expand this into a comprehensive utilities package.
Current Feature Implementation Status:
✅ Core HashMap Implementation
✅ Thread-Safe HashMap
✅ AppendableHashMap
✅ Functional Operations
The current version focuses on providing a robust and efficient HashMap implementation. Future releases will expand the package’s capabilities to include additional data structures and utility functions.
go get
// Initialize
hashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, YourType]()
// Add/Update
hashMap.Put("key", value)
// Get
value, exists := hashMap.Get("key")
// Remove
// Get size
size := hashMap.Size()
// Update existing value
success := hashMap.UpdateValue("key", newValue)
// processSections handles the conversion and organization of section data into specialized
// hash maps for both body content and layout components. It demonstrates the use of
// AppendableHashMap for managing collections of PDF components per section.
// Parameters:
// - listSections: Slice of Section objects containing section data and components
// Example:
// sections := []Section{
// {
// ID: "section1",
// PDFListComponents: []models.PDFListComponent{comp1, comp2},
// },
// }
// processSections(sections)
func processSections(listSections []Section) {
// Initialize specialized hash maps for different data types
bodyHashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, domain.ResSection]()
layoutHashMap := fastmap.NewAppendableHashMap[string, models.PDFListComponent]()
// Process each section and organize its data into appropriate maps
for _, section := range listSections {
// Store section metadata in body hash map
bodyHashMap.Put(section.ID, domain.ResSection{
SectionID: section.ID,
Section: section.Section,
Priority: section.Priority,
Title: string(section.Title),
Elements: nil,
// Append PDF components to layout hash map using spread operator equivalent
layoutHashMap.AppendValues(section.ID, section.PDFListComponents...)
// Example of thread-safe implementation if needed for concurrent access
safeLayoutHashMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeAppendableHashMap[string, models.PDFListComponent]()
for _, section := range listSections {
safeLayoutHashMap.AppendValues(section.ID, section.PDFListComponents...)
// Initialize thread-safe map
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, YourType]()
// Basic Operations
safeMap.Put("key", value)
value, exists := safeMap.Get("key")
// Safe iteration
safeMap.ForEach(func(key string, value YourType) error {
// Process each key-value pair safely
// Check existence
if safeMap.Contains("key") {
// Key exists, safe for concurrent access
// Get all keys safely
keys := safeMap.Keys()
for _, key := range keys {
// Process keys
// Get all values safely
values := safeMap.Values()
for _, value := range values {
// Process values
// Clear all entries safely
// Check if empty
if safeMap.IsEmpty() {
// Map is empty
// Merge two thread-safe maps
otherMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, YourType]()
otherMap.Put("other", value)
// Convert to regular map
regularMap := safeMap.ToMap()
// Create from regular map
traditional := map[string]YourType{"key": value}
safeMap = fastmap.FromThreadSafeMap(traditional)
// Filter with thread safety
activeUsers := safeMap.Filter(func(key string, user User) bool {
return user.Active
// Transform with thread safety
processedUsers := safeMap.Map(func(key string, user User) User {
user.LastProcessed = time.Now()
return user
// Conditional updates with thread safety
if safeMap.UpdateValue("user1", updatedUser) {
// Update successful
// User management system with concurrent access
type UserSystem struct {
users *fastmap.ThreadSafeHashMap[string, User]
func NewUserSystem() *UserSystem {
return &UserSystem{
users: fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, User](),
// Safe concurrent operations
func (s *UserSystem) AddUser(id string, user User) {
s.users.Put(id, user)
func (s *UserSystem) GetActiveUsers() []User {
activeUsers := s.users.Filter(func(id string, user User) bool {
return user.Active && !user.Deleted
return activeUsers.Values()
func (s *UserSystem) UpdateUserStatus(id string, active bool) bool {
if user, exists := s.users.Get(id); exists {
user.Active = active
return s.users.UpdateValue(id, user)
return false
func (s *UserSystem) ProcessUsers() {
s.users.ForEach(func(id string, user User) error {
// Safe concurrent processing
log.Printf("Processing user: %s", id)
return nil
// Usage in concurrent environment
func main() {
system := NewUserSystem()
// Concurrent operations
go func() {
system.AddUser("1", User{Name: "John", Active: true})
go func() {
system.UpdateUserStatus("1", false)
go func() {
activeUsers := system.GetActiveUsers()
for _, user := range activeUsers {
log.Printf("Active user: %s", user.Name)
import ( “log” “sync” “time”
"" )
// PDFProcessor represents a system that processes PDF components concurrently type PDFProcessor struct { layoutMap *fastmap.ThreadSafeAppendableHashMap[string, PDFComponent] wg sync.WaitGroup }
type PDFComponent struct { ID string Content string Timestamp time.Time }
// NewPDFProcessor initializes a new PDF processor with thread-safe storage func NewPDFProcessor() *PDFProcessor { return &PDFProcessor{ layoutMap: fastmap.NewThreadSafeAppendableHashMapstring, PDFComponent, } }
// ProcessSection handles concurrent processing of PDF components for a section func (p *PDFProcessor) ProcessSection(sectionID string, components []PDFComponent) { batchSize := 5 for i := 0; i < len(components); i += batchSize { end := i + batchSize if end > len(components) { end = len(components) }
batch := components[i:end]
go p.processBatch(sectionID, batch)
} }
// processBatch handles a batch of components concurrently func (p *PDFProcessor) processBatch(sectionID string, components []PDFComponent) { defer p.wg.Done()
// Simulate processing time for each component
for _, component := range components {
// Simulate some processing work
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Safely append the processed component
p.layoutMap.AppendValues(sectionID, component)
log.Printf("Processed component %s for section %s", component.ID, sectionID)
} }
// GetProcessedComponents safely retrieves all components for a section func (p *PDFProcessor) GetProcessedComponents(sectionID string) []PDFComponent { components, exists := p.layoutMap.Get(sectionID) if !exists { return []PDFComponent{} } return components }
// WaitForCompletion waits for all processing to complete func (p *PDFProcessor) WaitForCompletion() { p.wg.Wait() }
// Usage example func main() { processor := NewPDFProcessor()
// Simulate incoming PDF components for multiple sections
sections := map[string][]PDFComponent{
"section1": generateComponents("section1", 15),
"section2": generateComponents("section2", 10),
"section3": generateComponents("section3", 20),
// Process sections concurrently
startTime := time.Now()
for sectionID, components := range sections {
processor.ProcessSection(sectionID, components)
// Wait for all processing to complete
log.Printf("Processing completed in %v", time.Since(startTime))
// Verify results
for sectionID := range sections {
processed := processor.GetProcessedComponents(sectionID)
log.Printf("Section %s has %d processed components", sectionID, len(processed))
} }
// generateComponents creates test PDF components func generateComponents(sectionID string, count int) []PDFComponent { components := make([]PDFComponent, count) for i := 0; i < count; i++ { components[i] = PDFComponent{ ID: fmt.Sprintf(“%s-comp%d”, sectionID, i), Content: fmt.Sprintf(“Content %d”, i), Timestamp: time.Now(), } } return components }
// Example of error handling and recovery func (p *PDFProcessor) ProcessSectionWithRecovery(sectionID string, components []PDFComponent) error { errorChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("processing panic: %v", r)
p.ProcessSection(sectionID, components)
// Wait for completion or error
if err := <-errorChan; err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("section %s processing failed: %w", sectionID, err)
return nil } ```
The fastmap package provides robust field configuration processing capabilities for handling dynamic data transformations. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with structured data that needs type-safe conversion and validation.
// Initialize HashMap
hashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
hashMap.Put("age", 0) // Initialize field
// Define field configurations
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[int]{
"age": {
Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *int {
if val, ok := data["age"].(float64); ok {
intVal := int(val)
return &intVal
return nil
// Process data
data := []map[string]interface{}{
{"age": 25.0},
{"age": 30.0},
// Method 1: Handle single field
results := hashMap.HandleFieldConfigs(data, configs, "age")
// results = []int{25, 30}
// Method 2: Apply single config
success := hashMap.ApplyFieldConfig("age", configs["age"], data[0])
// success = true, hashMap["age"] = 25
// Method 3: Process all configs with callback
hashMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, data, func(key string, value int, index int) {
fmt.Printf("Processed %s: %d at index %d\n", key, value, index)
// Configure field handlers configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[float64]{ “temperature”: { Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *float64 { if val, ok := data[“temp”].(float64); ok { return &val } return nil }, }, }
// Safe concurrent processing safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, data, func(key string, value float64, index int) { log.Printf(“Temperature reading %f at index %d”, value, index) })
2. Concurrent Data Processing
// Initialize thread-safe map with complex config
type Measurement struct {
Value float64
Timestamp time.Time
Valid bool
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, Measurement]()
rowIndex := 0
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[Measurement]{
"sensor_data": {
RowIndex: &rowIndex,
Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *Measurement {
if val, ok := data["value"].(float64); ok {
return &Measurement{
Value: val,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Valid: val >= 0 && val <= 100,
return nil
// Concurrent processing with error handling
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(index int) {
defer wg.Done()
sensorData := []map[string]interface{}{
{"value": float64(index * 10)},
safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, sensorData, func(key string, m Measurement, idx int) {
if m.Valid {
log.Printf("Valid measurement %f at time %v", m.Value, m.Timestamp)
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMapstring, ProductData configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[ProductData]{ “product”: { Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *ProductData { price, ok1 := data[“price”].(float64) qty, ok2 := data[“quantity”].(float64) if !ok1 || !ok2 { return nil } return &ProductData{ Price: price, Quantity: int(qty), Total: price * float64(int(qty)), } }, }, }
// Process batch data concurrently batchData := []map[string]interface{}{ {“price”: 10.5, “quantity”: 2.0}, {“price”: 20.0, “quantity”: 3.0}, }
safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, batchData, func(key string, pd ProductData, index int) { log.Printf(“Processed product at index %d: Total = %.2f”, index, pd.Total) })
4. Error Handling in Thread-Safe Context
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, int]()
rowIndex := 0
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[int]{
"quantity": {
RowIndex: &rowIndex,
Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *int {
val, ok := data["quantity"]
if !ok {
log.Printf("Missing quantity field at row %d", *rowIndex)
return nil
if floatVal, ok := val.(float64); ok {
intVal := int(floatVal)
if intVal < 0 {
log.Printf("Invalid negative quantity at row %d", *rowIndex)
return nil
return &intVal
return nil
// Process with validation
safeMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, data, func(key string, quantity int, index int) {
log.Printf("Processed quantity %d at index %d", quantity, index)
rowIndex := 0
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[string]{
"name": {
RowIndex: &rowIndex,
Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *string {
if val, ok := data["name"].(string); ok {
return &val
return nil
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[UserData]{ “user_info”: { Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *UserData { if name, ok := data[“name”].(string); ok { if age, ok := data[“age”].(float64); ok { if score, ok := data[“score”].(float64); ok { return &UserData{ Name: name, Age: int(age), Score: score, } } } } return nil }, }, }
3. Batch Processing with Multiple Configs
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[string]{
"name": {Handler: nameHandler},
"email": {Handler: emailHandler},
"phone": {Handler: phoneHandler},
hashMap.ProcessFieldConfigs(configs, bulkData, func(key string, value string, index int) {
switch key {
case "name":
processName(value, index)
case "email":
processEmail(value, index)
case "phone":
processPhone(value, index)
configs := map[string]fastmap.FieldConfig[ProductSpec]{ “product”: { Handler: func(data map[string]interface{}) *ProductSpec { price, ok1 := data[“price”].(float64) qty, ok2 := data[“quantity”].(float64) if !ok1 || !ok2 { return nil } return &ProductSpec{ Price: price, Quantity: int(qty), Total: price * qty, } }, }, }
## Testing
### Unit Tests
Run all unit tests:
go test ./...
Run specific test:
go test -run TestHashMap_Put
Run tests with coverage:
go test -cover ./...
Generate coverage report:
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
func TestHashMap_Put(t *testing.T) {
h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
h.Put("key", 100)
if val, exists := h.Get("key"); !exists || val != 100 {
t.Errorf("Put failed, got (%v, %v), want (100, true)", val, exists)
func TestThreadSafeConcurrentOperations(t *testing.T) {
m := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, int]()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
numGoroutines := 100
for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
go func(val int) {
defer wg.Done()
m.Put(fmt.Sprintf("key%d", val), val)
if m.Size() != numGoroutines {
t.Errorf("Expected size %d, got %d", numGoroutines, m.Size())
func TestFilter(t *testing.T) {
h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
h.Put("one", 1)
h.Put("two", 2)
filtered := h.Filter(func(k string, v int) bool {
return v%2 == 0
if filtered.Size() != 1 {
t.Error("Filter failed")
func TestEdgeCases(t *testing.T) {
h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, *string]()
var nilStr *string
h.Put("nilKey", nilStr)
if val, exists := h.Get("nilKey"); !exists || val != nil {
t.Error("Failed to handle nil value")
Run all benchmarks:
go test -bench=. ./...
Run specific benchmark:
go test -bench=BenchmarkHashMapPut
Run benchmarks with memory allocation statistics:
go test -bench=. -benchmem ./...
func BenchmarkHashMapPut(b *testing.B) {
h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
h.Put("key", i)
func BenchmarkThreadSafePut(b *testing.B) {
m := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, int]()
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
i := 0
for pb.Next() {
m.Put(fmt.Sprintf("key%d", i), i)
func BenchmarkHashMapFilter(b *testing.B) {
h := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, int]()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
h.Put(fmt.Sprintf("key%d", i), i)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
h.Filter(func(k string, v int) bool {
return v%2 == 0
-bench=. # Run all benchmarks
-benchmem # Print memory allocation statistics
-benchtime=10s # Run each benchmark for 10 seconds
-count=5 # Run each benchmark 5 times
-cpu=1,2,4 # Run benchmarks with different GOMAXPROCS values
Generate CPU profile:
go test -bench=.
go tool pprof
Generate memory profile:
go test -bench=.
go tool pprof
// Traditional
traditional := make(map[string]YourType)
traditional[key] = value
// Non-Thread-Safe HashMap
hashMap := fastmap.NewHashMap[string, YourType]()
hashMap.Put(key, value)
// Thread-Safe HashMap
safeMap := fastmap.NewThreadSafeHashMap[string, YourType]()
safeMap.Put(key, value)
This project is licensed under the MIT License